**Please note our PLYMOUTH office, NEW location: 3 Village Green North, Ste. 321., Pinehills, Plymouth. 508.747.4748 (Second Floor above the restaurant)  Can't wait to see  you there.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

With age, and family genetics , the tissue of the upper eyelid thins and stretches causing the lid to droop into the line of sight. With day to day activities, the drooped lid provides less light in, causing blurred vision and squinting. Patients often fatigue using their forehead muscles to raise their lids. At times some patients physically hold  their upper lid skin to see printed material with more ease.  Viewing traffic lights becomes more difficult, causing the driver to tip their head back in order to see the correct light at an intersection.

Blepharoplasty, a non-cosmetic surgical treatment to the upper eyelids, removes excess skin and weight from the upper lids. The surgery is performed in our state-of-the-art surgery center, Sandwich, MA.  Patients are given mild sedation and local anesthesia during surgery and return home with instructions and medication for healing. Patients so appreciate the improved field of vision as well as brighter, clearer sight. 

An evaluation with your surgeon, Dr. Townshend or Dr. Kriegstein is required as well as documentation with photos and visual field testing.  A surgical counselor will work with you to schedule and assist with your insurance, where applicable. 

"I just LOVE Dr. Townshend, she is great, and so professional. I knew exactly what to expect.  I am so pleased"      Paula


"After having LASIK surgery with Dr. Townshend, she is the only one I would imagine doing my eyelid surgery. I am forever grateful."     Linda



Schedule an Appointment

Do you have questions or would you like to schedule an appointment?

Do you need information about Healthcare Financing Options?

Please call us at 508-747-4748 - we look forward to hearing from you soon.