3 Village Green North Ste. 321
Plymouth, MA 02360
Phone: 508-747-4748
Associated Eye Surgeons
441 Route 130
Sandwich, MA 02563
Phone: 508-888-8873
Fax: 508-888-2392
Email: info@aes2020.com
Our surgeons at Associated Eye Surgeons, Dr. Henry Kriegstein, Dr. Lois Townshend perform eye surgery at our Ambulatory Surgery and Laser Center of Cape Cod.
The center, located in Heritage Park, #280, Sandwich, MA 02563, is designed for same day procedures that do not require an overnight stay in a hospital. The highly skilled medical personnel are dedicated to creating a warm, compassionate, personalized environment for the patient and their family. Surgery center clinicians work closely with our office staff in preparing for your visit and will be in touch with you directly prior to your scheduled procedure.
We believe it is important for patients and their loved ones to understand their diagnosis and treatment options.
Contact us with any questions you or your family may have. Our staff in Plymouth and Sandwich will assist you with any questions or concerns.