**Please note our PLYMOUTH office, NEW location: 3 Village Green North, Ste. 321., Pinehills, Plymouth. 508.747.4748 (Second Floor above the restaurant)  Can't wait to see  you there.

Helpful Links

Helpful Links

American Academy of Ophthalmology - www.geteyesmart.org

American Diabetes Association - www.diabetes.org

American Macular Degeneration Foundation - www.macular.org

Audible Local Ledger, Inc. - http://www.audiblelocalledger.org/

Gatra Bus - https://www.gatra.org/routes/mayflower-link-plymouth-to-manomet/

Glaucoma -https://www.glaucoma.org/

Healthcare Financing - www.carecredit.com

Infant Sunglasses - www.babybanz.com

Jahrling Optical - www.jahrling.com

Lions Club - www.theplymouthlions.org

Low Vision - www.lowvision.com

Motor Vehicle Department - https://www.mass.gov/info-details/medical-standards-for-passenger-class-d-and-motorcycle-class-m-drivers-licenses#vision-

Perkins School - www.perkins.org

Rides in Sight for People with Visual Impairments - https://ridesinsight.org/

Ruby Handheld Magnifier - www.LowVisionSolutions.com

Talking Information Center - https://ticnetwork.org/

Veterans Administration - https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-department-of-veterans-services



Would you like more information?

We believe it is important for patients and their loved ones to understand their diagnosis and treatment options.

Contact us with any questions you or your family may have. Our staff in Plymouth and Sandwich will assist you with any questions or concerns.